Odd is the older sister of Even. She was originally a Oner from Onecroft until she was taken away by The Queen of Random to Sixtopia, thus living at her side and doing her dark bidding.
Years Prior[]
At some point during the Queen's reign, Odd was born a year before her sister, Even.
Running back home/Her 12th Birthday[]
When the Queen's forces attack, she and Even returned home to hide, but she was discovered and brought before the Nanny.
Rolling the One True Dice/Taken from Home[]
After rolling the one true dice, she is deemed a sixer and taken to Sixtopia.
Life in Sixtopia[]
Odd began her new life living in Sixtopia, to which the Queen convinced her that life is better here than in her old home. She remained in Sixtopia for about a year.
Corrupted by The Queen[]
Eventually, the Queen gave Odd a mask that corrupts her.
Doing the Queen's work[]
After becoming corrupted, she officially became a loyal follower to the Queen, but is unaware that she has plans for her.
Sisterly showdown in the Dark Dicemension[]
Once Even and her companion Dicey came to rescue Odd, she discovers that she isn't the sister she once knew anymore. Since Odd refuses to leave, Even is forced to fight her to bring her back to her senses.
Freed from the Corruption/Sisterly reunion[]
After Even defeats her sister, her mask is destroyed, freeing her from the Queen's control.
Escape from the Queen/Sixtopia and the truth revealed[]
Pretending to still be loyal to the Queen, she uses Dicey to conjure a portal for them to escape through. After they reconcile, they later learn the truth behind the Queen's ploy, she was trying to save her sister's life with the intention of using Odd as a new vessel for her with the help of the Dark Lords. After Even defeats the Queen, they convince her to let her sister go. As the Queen holds back the Dark Lords, the sisters and the other captured children escape and float away on umbrellas given to them by Dicey.
Odd had a close relationship to her parents and sister. After being corrupted, she developed great resentment towards her sister and did not care for her anymore, only swearing loyalty to the Queen. After Even defeats her, the mask that was controlling her is broken off, causing her to regain her old personality.
Powers and Abilities[]
In her corruptive form, Odd can teleport and create shadow doppelgangers of herself that can also attack Even. She mostly attacks using her sword, but can elude Even's attacks or catch her off guard with her teleportation skills.
She had a close relationship with her. After becoming corrupted, she no longer loved her, but after regaining her senses, she reconciled with her.
Her Parents[]
Like Even, she too has a close relationship with her parents prior to her corruption.
- She is born on April 1st.
- Odd being corrupted by the Queen is similar to how the character Aria from Harvestella was corrupted by the main antagonist Gaia. Only after they are defeated by the main character is when they are returned to normal, except Even did not have to venture into Odd's consciousness to do that.
- Her name is a reference to odd numbers.